Published on November 3, 2006 By szokalowa In Internet
Is that popular in your country that there are some website to click on them everyday to collect money for the people in need? When you click on them it makes a few money and when a lot of people click on it every day it gives great amount of money to poor people. I think it's great idea. I have ckicked on these websites for 3 years now. - dinner for children, - to built a hause.
on Nov 03, 2006
In my country, those are usually scams of some kind.
on Nov 03, 2006
I'm in the USA and I have been clicking WWW Link for over 5 years. It is not a scam. After clicking all the little red ones, 6 more will open up to click for free. It's the first thing I do when I get on my computer..everyday!
on Nov 05, 2006
Looking at that site those are what is called "click-thru" links.
Meaning someone is paying them for every CLICK. Each click brings up pages of ad's so that is how this site makes money. This and page-views are also used. or so it seems.

on Nov 05, 2006
the scam is based upon people going and clicking those links

the links generate a count

the ad placement companies then get to raise their rates based upon a 'virtual boiler room' of people clicking those links.


if you had a site and placed ads (or had links placed) and were charged based on the number of clicks to your link (which theoretically under normal circumstances would generate you business revenue) would you be happy paying higher costs based on people using 'click generator sites' which isn't going to generate revenue for you?
on Nov 06, 2006
I'm not quit sure I grasp what you are saying Bichur. Does this mean my clicks are not contributing waht they say they are? I'm not a stupid person. I just don't really understand. The links I click are to feed a cup of food to needy dogs a day, help woman get a free mamogram, help children get books to read. ect. Are they not getting that with my clicks?
on Nov 07, 2006
how does your clicking equate to a cup of food to feed a dog?

If you're not spending when you're clicking (with a portion of what you spend being donated), then somebody else is footing that bill.

If money is going to those things, it not out the the goodness of somebodies heart.
If it were, they wouldn't need you to click anything, they would just donate.

I'm not saying they are all scams but the odds are there is lots of money involved in one form or another.

How can the click count be checked against what they say is done because of the click count?
on Nov 07, 2006
According to what they say, it goes like this. When I click for a charity, the sponsors who have their advertising on that site donates to the cause. So, when I click the free click button on the "animalrescuesite" the sponsers donate a small amount of food to the various animal facilities. Not each but at one of them. In turn, they hope I click on the sponsors buttons and buy something from them. It is not mandatory, nor have I ever done it. As long as what I'm clicking for is done, I don't care how or what they charge each other. I have never paid a dime in the 5+ years I have been doing it.
As far as doing it out of the heart. I think people donate all the time in private. But what better way to get more to do it then by example? Of course, I'm sure there are alot of them only doing it to bring business for themselves and could care less about the charity they are helping. As long as the charities are actually getting the help, I don't care how it comes about.
You have given me something to think about, Bichur. I see the world through compassionate eyes, and now realise that most of what I see is not compassionate in light of what you have pointed out to me. That's okay though. I will continue to be the same!!!
on Nov 07, 2006
Not looking for you to not be compassionate.

A good cause is a good cause.

Some may be legit - donation versus ad cost.

But we all know there's too many sites out there that prey in one form or another.
Just wish there was a verifiable way to check that what they say is being done, is.

Where can I find that portion of land saved and verify it was saved (which I guess means it had to be bought) by the org claiming to have saved it?

Don't mind me, I've been told I was born with mens rea which causes me to be cynical.
I don't always see the good, I usually wonder what they're up to.
My CJ prof also said that's why I was able to come to class only every couple of weeks and still pass all the exams. (made it easy for me to argue legal 'outs' when he had us take parts of multibar exams.
on Nov 07, 2006
looking for you to not be compassionate.

I know you aren't. Sorry if it sounded that way. I too, wish I knew for sure the stuff was really being done. This may have inspired me to ask them for proof! Anyway, I always value your opinions. Thanks Bichur.
on Nov 10, 2006
A good cause is a good cause.

And the best way to help is research/seek out worthy/reputable organisations that ACTUALLY pass on the proceeds to the intended recipients. My problem with this internet clicking thing is its anonymity - who's behind the collection and banking of monies? The paper/money trail is nigh impossible to follow, so chances are the funds end up far removed from the 'stated' purpose.

I wasn't always this cynical/sceptical! There was a time when I was more charitable and would donate whatever I could afford to various appeals...however a former workmate shattered all that some years ago when he was lured by a huge salary and resigned to go work for a charity. When we met a couple of years later at a BBQ, he wasn't backwards in coming forwards about his $770,000pa salary, 3 houses and 5 family cars....and when he let slip that only 7 cents in the dollar reached intended recipients (obviously to keep the administation living in luxury), I never again forked over when they came knocking on my door....

Sad, isn't it, that there's too many scam artists only too willing to tug at peoples heart strings and exploit their good will through bogus causes...then when something genuine comes along, they're reluctant and deserved support isn't forthcoming.